1. Gap sweater: I found this gorgeous waffle-knit sweater at goodwill this month! It has buttons down one shoulder, and I think I'm in love.'
2. Ariana Grande's Teen Vogue shoot: I adore this shoot, Ariana's style is always so spot on.
3. A Chorus Line vinyl: Another diamond in the rough at goodwill. I love this show and for 99 cents I couldn't pass it up!
4. Lemongrass Tea- my mom got this for me at T.J Maxx as a valentines gift- it has a really nice lemon flavor, with a hint of green tea, but it's really light and not bitter at all.
5. Maybelline nail polish in Golden Opportunity- this has been my most used nail polish this month, because it is so forgiving, and matches with everything.
6. Urban Outfitters beanie- I found this gem on sale at Urban while in Knoxville. It's been perfect to throw on when I go out, and keeps my ears nice and cozy.
February has brought some extreme cold, but has also brought a few really lovely and warm days. I hope those days will continue into march, and I am so excited for spring!
4. Lemongrass Tea- my mom got this for me at T.J Maxx as a valentines gift- it has a really nice lemon flavor, with a hint of green tea, but it's really light and not bitter at all.
5. Maybelline nail polish in Golden Opportunity- this has been my most used nail polish this month, because it is so forgiving, and matches with everything.
6. Urban Outfitters beanie- I found this gem on sale at Urban while in Knoxville. It's been perfect to throw on when I go out, and keeps my ears nice and cozy.
February has brought some extreme cold, but has also brought a few really lovely and warm days. I hope those days will continue into march, and I am so excited for spring!